One unique way to water your orchid that most orchids love is a humidity dish (also called a humidity tray). And it’s not hard to get them to flower again if you know their secrets! Approaching bloom, play it safe with a balanced fertilizer, such as 20-20-20. The best and only time you should water orchids is in the morning. This is so that the plant has the rest of the day to soak up the water as well as the sun, and before the soil gets too warm. #2. Watering Frequency. The rule of thumb for orchids is to water once a week in the winter and twice a week in the summer. They need a growing medium that provides fast water drainage and good air circulation. Use a 30-10-10 fertilizer or orchid food, diluted to half strength. Orchid Care - Water and pH – rePotme Water quality is one of the key components of successful orchid growing, and yet many discussions of the issue become very technical very quickly and become virtually incomprehensible. We're going to try here to discuss the issue of water without delving too deeply into the science behind it. This will make the orchid die. January. Here at Pure Beauty, we like to find organic, natural ways to help our orchids be the best they can be. 12 minute read • July 7, 2020. Water heavily when you water and allow the plants to dry thoroughly before watering heavily again. The orchid group includes several several hundred different genera and thousands of species, but most people are introduced to orchids through the Phalaenopsis genus, which are particularly good orchids for beginners. Both to the roots, by regular watering, and to the leaves, by water in the air – humidity. Linda F Correa (author) from Spring Hill Florida on September 03, 2019: There are three things that determine how well your orchid grows, light, water and fertilizer. Once you get it replanted, just water once a week or when the potting mixture becomes dry. 8/27/2010, 4:46:25 PM. Watering Zygopetalum Louisendorf. Natural Light: Happily, most moth orchids grow in the shade of tropical rainforests and don’t need full sun. This could be a good option if you have a friend or family member who already owns a Dendrobium orchid. It’s a simple, yet critical, part of orchid care. Winter: water in morning every 7-10 days (on Sunny days) No water during cold days. Some orchid growers routinely use Epsom's Salts, especially if tap water high in salts is used to water orchids, and the plants are fertilized frequently.As a rule of thumb - dissolve 1 tablespoon of Epsom's salts to 1 gallon of water … For example, there are 30-10-10, 20-20-20, and others. This insures complete water evaporation on the foliage as well as the crown by nightfall. Other Types of Natural Blue Orchids. Molasses. Cymbidium orchids don’t require a ton of additional nutrients. The bulbs have grown to a very large size and have already produced many offset bulbs, after only one year of planting." Reading at 186ppm (parts per million) the tap water can be classed as fairly hard water. Pros Of Bottled Water Orchids should have pots with large holes for good drainage. As a general rule, you should re-pot your orchids plants everyone to three years. Tea (contains Nitrogen) Used tea bags, which are high in nitrogen, are especially good for orchids. Are Epsom salts good for orchids? In the outdoors, orchids consume 14 hours or more of natural light. Add a very small amount of orchid fertilizer to the water of a … Provide good air circulation. Depending on the natural mineral content it can be labeled spring water or mineral water. Repot when the plant outgrows its space (usually only every two to three years). How To Propagate Dendrobium. The frequency of watering varies with respect to the media used , surrounding temperature and the ventilation provided. Your Household Water Quality: Odors in Your Water (C 1016) Conversion Tables, Formulas and Suggested Guidelines for Horticultural Use (B 931) Understanding Laboratory Wastewater Tests: I. ORGANICS (BOD, COD, TOC, O&G) (C 992) Moth orchids typically bloom once a year in late winter or early spring. The flowers are long lasting and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Use a 20-20-20 fertilizer from a garden center, diluted to half strength. These pods contain water and food just like bulbs underground do, and the function of pseudobulbs is to help keep the plant healthy during spells of bad weather in their natural environment. Spring is nearly here! $45.95 Price: $39.95. Therefore good air movement is essential for these plants. Zygopetalums need plenty of water while they are growing. Don't be discouraged when your plant drops the blooms. After the blossoms fade, cut off the flower spike at the base of the plant and continue to water and care for the orchid as usual. I dug up some of the bulbs to send home with a friend. Adalys, Orchids hate to sit in water or to be consistently wet. This can be under the faucet (tap) or again, in a basin of water to ensure the potting medium is evenly moist. That’s right – orchids are a fantastic present for just about any occasion. After this stage, it’s best to provide less water. For this reason, overwatering is not a good idea for these orchids. A dry finger indicates a dry plant. Water Provide a constant supply of moisture to cymbidiums. Orchid food with 30-10-10 means it has high nitrogen (30%). Be sure to let all the water drain out of the clear growing pot before placing the orchid into the decorative pot. 810173. Dendrobium orchid: Dendrobium orchids … Yuk! Orchid’s roots actually love water, but the trick is to provide adequate drainage. It reaches 1-4 feet total. Then drain it thoroughly. In late June and July the Phalaenopsis orchids in our collection finally lose their blooms, some will remain in bloom for awhile longer. To water or not to water, that is the question! As Vanilla Orchids take several years to produce flowers, you'll have to make do with a foliage-only specimen. POTTING. Today we talk a bit more about what type of water is better for orchids, which sources can provide it and what actually means a good quality water. Reverse Osmosis is the scientific name for a specific type of water filtration. This allows a gentle upwelling of humid air that your orchid can readily absorb for moisture. $35.00 Price: $27.50. PINK PARVI PAPH PRIMARY HYBRD Liberty Taiwan large specimen plant 8-9 gr BLOOM! Do not forget that the potting mix for your orchids is teeming with tiny life forms....beneficial and harmful, but in good growing conditions in balance. Remember, orchids absolutely hate sitting in water and will rot. Wipe any splashed water … The good news is that you can prevent these conditions by continually checking your orchids to quickly address the disease. Tea bags contain organic matter that is non toxic and does not smell bad. There are two aspects of proper watering to consider: when and how. During the cooler months of the year, most indoor varieties of orchids only require watering once a week. Jonathan Fong Video: The Difference Between Semi and Full Water Culture Orchids can help make the changing of seasons more bearable, a plus for those living in colder climates. Use this every two weeks. Watering amounts depend on the temperature. Fertilizing. This Orchid needs high levels of humidity if you want it to thrive. When Phalaenopsis orchid roots are healthy, velamen is silvery-white, round and plump. Be sure to water less during the winter and more in the summer. North America has at least 20 native genera of cold tolerant orchids, and our home state of North Carolina is home to 60 native orchid species. Originally named after a town in England which has naturally occurring magnesium sulfate in the spring water, Epsom salt is used to fertilize thousands of acres of farmland each year. Orchid Care: Grow in bright indirect light with good air circulation and moderate to high humidity. Water from underground sources works its way to the surface and is then collected for bottling. In my original special report for Gospel for Asia titled The Global Water Crisis, I explored worldwide solutions to humanity’s need for pure, safe water. These days, wild collection of spring beauty and other native plants is controversial, due to issues of sustainability. These orchids produce long-lasting blooms. Rice Water. Temperature. At the nursery, we reduce watering from about Thanksgiving through the beginning of … Do not allow your orchids' leaves to remain wet for any extended periods. Test Garden Tip: Some oncidium orchids are wonderfully fragrant—watch for them to add an even more delightful note to your indoor garden. youve placed your orchid in full sun, you may notice severe symptoms Tea (contains Nitrogen) Used tea bags, which are high in nitrogen, are especially good for orchids. ! Use this every two weeks. Water orchids with a good soak,either under a tap or place the orchid in a basin of water for 5 minutes so the soil is evenly moist. Succulents store water in their leaves, stems, or roots. We also saw several cultivated plants in Sikkim showing what a plant can develop into. You can expect your Phalaenopsis to spike again when they notice the temperature drop, usually in early fall and then bloom in the winter or spring. Orchids rest after flowering; watering should be reduced at this time. Repot every three years using an Orchid Bark & a slightly larger transparent pot, during the spring. The short answer to this question is yes. As I mentioned in my previous post, Water for Orchids, tap water is perfectly fine for orchids, so long as the water is soft and the pH is neutral. As the water evaporates, it goes into the air around your moth orchid. Orchids are widespread on every continent except for Antarctica. Watering orchids looks very different from other indoor plants. Add water so just the tops of the rocks are dry, and set your plant on top of them. The best way to propagate Dendrobium orchids is by division, in spring. The media can dry out faster in the summer at good air movement. To help you weigh your options, we’ve compiled a list of the longest lasting cut flowers. Use a humidity dish. Additionally, your practices and the environment influence these diseases. Do not let phalaenopsis completely dry out. They can bloom all year round, even in the coldest winter. ... As a general rule, fertilize orchids every 2 weeks during peak growth (spring and summer) and once a month during dormancy (fall and winter). o Tap water: Good quality tap water can be used for watering orchids. 3. If you are wondering what colors for orchid roots are good, see my post about trimming orchid roots. In some states the tap water is pretty good, low in dissolved solids and quite suitable for use with orchids. However, be careful while watering sensitive orchids, as the roots can get damaged if there are high quantities of dissolved salts. Orchids do not require abundant doses of fertilizer. Orchids with pseudobulb formation can be propagated relatively easily to … These orchids produce long-lasting blooms. Written By Karen Burton Mains. RO systems are designed to force untreated (tap) water through a series of carbon filters and semipermeable membranes. Phalaenopsis orchids bloom in the late winter through the spring. Watering Orchids. These Orchids prefer cool to intermediate growing conditions (65-80°F during the day; 45-55°F at night). If you see your orchid plant turning yellow, it means … In the spring of 2018, I started an experiment and began pH-adjusting my tap water for select orchids. Feed the plants by mixing one part of milk to four parts of water. Water occasionally and feed with a specialist orchid plant food when the orchid is actively growing (usually in spring). This is typically ideal for the high intesity orchids like Cattleya and Epidendrum among others. It multiplies freely so should be divided every 5 to 10 years to prevent overcrowding of the bulbs. Knowing when they bloom is all well and good but if you’re unsure how to take care of them, you might never experience their beauty. Reduce watering to every 2 weeks in early fall to stimulate flower buds to form, in winter, do not water, but mist occasionally to prevent the pseudobulbs … These orchids are very heavy feeders during the spring and summer months. Yes, you’ve read that correctly, cinnamon for orchids. Water is especially critical for phalaenopsis, because they do not have organs (pseudobulbs) for water storage. Velamen helps orchid roots absorb water and nitrogen from the air. Orchids need to drain the water out or the roots will rot. Some orchids are sold in sphagnum moss. Test the condition first by pressing a finger down into the moss or potting soil mix. Orchids do best in environments with 40-60% humidity. Water them weekly or every other week and feed them monthly in spring and summer with orchid fertilizer. Prune rosebushes in February. You should definitely not remove healthy air roots. Watering: Orchids should be watered every 5-7 days by giving the growing media a complete drenching in the morning. Prevention: Supply extra magnesium via a good cal mag fertilizer, Epsom salts and/or dolomitic lime. While they don’t do well sitting in water, orchids do like humidity. Most chlorinated tap water can be used as long as the chlorine isn't excessive; however, watering orchids with collected rain or distilled water from the store is best. Author: admin No Comments Blooming, Care and Culture, Diseases, Growing Indoors, Growing Outdoors. Water used to boil rice is a rich source of vitamins, such as folic acid, niacin, riboflavin … Feed the plants by mixing one part of milk to four parts of water. Keep barely moist during the winter. Plan to water the orchid every 7 to 10 days. Constant wetness will cause the roots to rot, which leaves the plant without a means for taking up nourishment which then causes the leaves to droop and will eventually kill the plant. ellen17. At the local golf course, the source of the water is urban runoff. Always water orchid with a good soak. Good ventilation or the use of fans is recommended (see “Air Movement” above.) You will want to stay between 60% and 70% all day for best results. … Coming from rain, wells, rivers, lakes, runoff, etc. To water, place plants in a sink or tub and give them a good soaking and plenty of time to drain. Cheers to much healthier orchids! Also a decent amount of phosphorus and potassium (10%) for each. Hence, the succulent is a prevalent plant of choice in many dry climates. Hold off on the plant food and water less in fall and winter when the plants usually rest. I soak my orchids in water for 20 minutes or so, once a week. It is a good idea to water very little when in flower as the flowers are damaged by water and of course it flowers in the dry season in Sikkim when the flowers can last for several weeks in good condition. Use a 30 … Good air circulation in the growing area is key, and … ... 10 Plant Cuttings You Can Root & Grow in Water. This encourages bacterial and fungal diseases. How to Repot an Orchid. The amount of water you provide when watering a phalaenopsis orchid depends on the type of potting mixture you use. However, orchids cannot just be taken from their pot and placed into a dish of water; if this is done, there is a good chance that the roots will rot and the plant will die. Vanda coerulea are best grown in hanging pots or baskets with a fast-draining medium. 13 years ago. From spring to late summer, water once or twice a week in the morning using lukewarm unsoftened water. Make sure pot stays full of water – micro lotus will dry up quickly due to their small pot size; Flowering temperature is 77 F (25 C) to 95 F (35 C) Water is best at a neutral pH ( 7.0) Fertilize every 15 days with a weak application of aquatic fertilizer (1/4 Tablet) If micro lotus are grown under 40% shade, the standing leaves will grow taller. Always water your orchids in the morning so the moisture has time to evaporate. They are often grown in coarse bark or coarse sphagnum moss. Milk contains nitrogen-building protein that your orchids require. Summer is growing season for some types of orchids after all. (In at least one state—Massachusetts—spring beauty is now listed as endangered!) Fred Decker 10 Plants & Flowers to Beautify Your Garden This Spring. This is good beginner's orchid. The best hobby grower in 3 counties draws water from a pond. They do best in temperatures from 50 to 75°F. Tea bags contain organic matter that is non toxic and does not smell bad. but the grass looks fine. When plants are watered, excess moisture should be able to freely flow out of the orchid potting mix in a good container. Best Water For Plants. As a general rule, fertilize orchids every 2 weeks during peak growth (spring and summer) and once a month during dormancy (fall and winter). It might be a good idea to place the potin a tray of pebbles with water so that the water can slowly evaporate. Some other attributes of succulents include: The term succulent comes from the Latin form of "succus," which means "full of juice or sap." Fred Decker 7 DIY Indoor Herb Garden Ideas You Need to Try. My test group included a few epiphytic orchids, 2 compots of ~20 phalaenopsis seedlings, and any other orchids that were showing signs of chlorosis (yellowing often caused by nutrient deficiency) under my bright LED grow lights. This changes where ever you are on the world map. Paid Content 5 Spring Cleaning Tasks for Your Yard or Garden. Apart from the flowers mentioned in this section, here’s a short list of other types of orchids to grow in spring that are quite eye-catching and will be a great addition to your spring garden this year! Cheery and bright, orchids bring a breath of fresh air into just about any room. The ideal time to repot orchids is when they go out of bloom and Phalaenopsis is no exception. Each month, water with plain water to … However, you should evaluate the requirement of the particular species you have. Putting orchid under natural rain in raining day is good for spring, summer, and autumn; but not good for winter. If it is a fir bark blend, then it usually will be good for a year or two. After orchid flowers fall, continue to care for plant to encourage more blooms. Phalaenopsis – Moth Orchids Light – Shady, 500 – 1500 ft candles, eastern exposure, no direct sun after 10 or 11 am or before 3 or 4 pm Potting Medium – Water retentive mix, coconut husk or sphagnum moss base, water storage only in fleshy leaves Water – Evenly moist to slightly dry, don’t let water accumulate in crown Fertilizer When watering, let the water run through for a … At mid to late spring. Growing orchids in water provides the plant with a cultural situation that allows just enough moisture during the soaking and then allows the aerial roots to dry to prevent pathogens. Espsom salts mixed with water makes a good … Miaira Jennings DIY Mason Jar Herb Garden. Once the orchid is settled in its new pot, add enough water to soak the medium thoroughly. 8/14/2010, 6:16:26 PM. A moth orchid will thrive in the average east- or west-facing window. This Narcissus is a good choice for pot forcing. When you purchase your orchid, inspect the potting medium. If the humidity is less than 40%, use a spray bottle with a fine mist setting to lightly mist the orchids and their potting medium once per day. For this reason, overwatering is not a good idea for these orchids. Freezing water kills bacteria, so the water in ice cubes is pure. "The tubers are good food for the body," he wrote, "but after a long winter, the pale-rose flowers in early spring are food for the soul." Orchids grow in every habitat except for deserts and on glaciers, with 90% of the orchid genera being tropical.. Orchids have been coveted and grown for centuries. If It's Yellow, Let it Mellow! Orchids in bark dry out quickly and can take quite a bit of watering. Begin seeding spring tomatoes inside. However, to maintain healthy plants and see blooms on a regular basis, apply a weak solution of 20-10-20 fertilizer once a week. I then let my orchids sit in the water (about 50% of the pot should be in the water) for a few minutes–making sure they each get a good drink. During the growing season, pseudobulbs should be fat and plump, and fleshy leaves should be … And some of the things we do know about, such as chlorine, are abhorred by plants. These are thick-leaved plants with elegant, arching sprays of bloom—the orchids featured in so many design magazines sitting on coffee tables across America. Although, there are a handful of varieties that tend to outlive others. The roots are exposed to the open air and contact with light breezes frequently in the wild, so always keep your room well-ventilated. After a truly dreadful month of weather in February, March is shaping up to be relatively warm. Good ait circulation is very important for orchids, especially their roots. Re-pot and divide these orchids after flowering in the spring. Adding slow-release fertilizer pellets to the potting soil at the beginning of the season is enough for good results. Moving your orchids outdoors to take advantage of the natural light makes sense. There are, however, a few restrictions and summer orchid care advice that should be considered. For example, dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of water-soluble, 20-20-20 fertilizer in 1 gallon of water, and water pre-watered orchids well. Buy It: 4 Small Oncidium Orchids, $39.99, Etsy A lot of growers don't recommend this, but it works for me. They are excellent as a Mother’s Day, birthday, get well, or congratulatory gift. This soilless media provides a good balance of water and air for the large roots of these epiphytic plants. Feed the plants by mixing one part of milk to four parts of water. Too little water has dehydrated this plant. And if you have a medical condition calling for limiting your sodium intake, it's not good for that either - the potassium salt-softeners are safer, but still not great. Tea bags contain organic matter that is non toxic and does not smell bad. The same ingredient you use in hot cocoa or pies can be used on orchid roots. To send flowers for same-day delivery, all you have to do is place your order by the following times in the gift receiver's time zone: 2:30 p.m. weekdays, 1:15 p.m. Saturdays, and 11:45 a.m. Sundays. Orchids that do not flower often require more light. Your Mini Orchid Stories. Water runs freely through the media and when dry can be difficult to adequately wet. Pick up a hygrometer from a gardening center or superstore and use it to test the humidity in your home. Gardeners know that excess moisture and poor draining medium make a good recipe for fungal diseases like rot. Mist orchid leaves with water 2 times a week to increase humidity. Make sure the media is completely dry before watering again. In addition, plants that spend time outdoors should be elevated 3 to 4 feet (90 to 120 cm) above the ground to avoid splash contamination. To double check the amount, try melting 3 ice cubes to ensure that it measures about 1/4 cup of water… Orchids And Epsom Salts - Knowledgebase Question. This is in order to clean pipes, control algae, prevent bacterial blooms and so on. Mega Thrive- Foliar Plant Food for All Ornamentals- 1 Quart. The best way to water orchids potted in bark is to place the entire pot into a bowl that's at least as deep as the bark line. Climate here is very very dry. March 4, 2021 by Kristen Uthus 1 Comment. I would agree that the usual water-softening-system water would not be especially good for your orchids, nor for other plants. Yes, it’s fine to put your orchids outside in summer but…. Rice Water. This update explores tap water safety concerns in the United States and what to do about those, plus clean water solutions in Asia and practical ways you can help. Now we can get our orchids off to a great start on the growing season by practicing our very best watering skills under ideal conditions. Mix a teaspoon of molasses into a quart or 2 of water, and use it when you water your orchids. Spray the orchid with water for three weeks, but only after the roots begin to grow. Water a decent medium for orchids to grow in, but there are special requirements and observations that are involved. One advantage with municipal water is that many water companies must publish their water quality reports online. From orchids and carnations to sunflowers and lilies, you’ll be sure to find some of your favorites on our list. Run water through the orchid's pot. As temperatures rise, so does your orchids’ need for water. They need the most water during the spring and summer keeping the potting material evenly moist. Whichever method you choose from this list, be sure to let excess water drain out. Overwatering is the primary way people kill orchids but using a few ice cubes prevents this. Molasses gives your orchids a boost of potassium. Always. Plant Vegetables from transplants like broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, collards, and lettuce.. Plant Seeds for lettuce, radish, and carrots. Watering Improper watering, both under- and over-, leads to the death of more orchids, including Cattleyas, than any other single cause. However, the tap water in my new home appears to be harder than my orchids are used to, which poses a few issues. Lastly we look at tap water. Place a few stones in a shallow dish, fill it with water, and place the dish and stones underneath your orchid’s pot. I hope you all have power back and are clearing away some snow and ice. Yes, it’s fine to put your orchids outside in summer but…. You can get very good results by applying a slow-release fertilizer with a 13-13-13 ratio in the spring and again in the fall. Never use water that has been softened by a water softener. Do be careful not to soak too long. Orchids are not fans of sitting in water. They are air lovers. When orchid roots soak in water too long or have water pooling in the bottom of their pots, their roots will rot and that’s never a good thing for your orchid’s health. Once enough root rot occurs, it’s difficult to salvage your plant. Like most houseplants, orchids benefit from regular fertilizing. Most orchids, including Phalaenopsis, do not grow in regular soil. Over the next few weeks, you may have to water the orchid more frequently until the medium is able to absorb and retain more moisture. Fertilizer. If not, the roots will drown, lose oxygen and rot. Reduce water in late summer. Bottled/Spring water. To get an orchid to re-bloom, trick it into thinking it’s in the tropics. One of the facts of modern life is that we often don’t know what’s in our water. In addition, good air circulation will help to evaporate stagnant water more quickly and they won't get diseases easily as a result. There are, however, a few restrictions and summer orchid care advice that should be considered. Water your Phalaenopsis orchids early in the morning. Growing orchids in water is actually a simple technique. Lady’s slipper blooms in winter and lasts until spring. Fertilizer (First 1 hour early morning sun is the best fertilizer & doctor) Timing: Spring – Autumn 10 Easy Hacks For Prepping Your Lawn For Spring. A free-draining blend of fir bark (sometimes referred as fir bark nuggets) is the most popular potting material for moth orchids. Cymbidium-- Known as the "King of Orchids," Cymbidiums have long, leathery leaves and large flowers. Plant Rosebushes in prepared soil where they receive 6-8 full hours of sun every day. o You can use drinking water for orchids. Another way to acquire an orchid, other than buying it, is to propagate an existing plant. The moth orchids flower in winter and last until late spring/early summer. Water with rain, distilled, or reverse-osmosis water as the mix approaches dryness. Again the answer is probably yes, but again, there could be exceptions. Leaf color is a good indicator of the amount of light an orchid is getting: ... Do not water orchids with ice cubes! Same-day flower delivery is available every day, for all seasons: spring, winter, summer and fall. The roots do turn from silvery to green with the soaking. Water until the water runs out of the pot freely; this also flushes out any naturally occurring salts. When indoor air is dry, spray orchids with tepid water to keep the humidity up. Terrestrials prefer to be kept slightly more damp than epiphytes. Happy spring … Bora Bora Orchids: They come with a long stalk, bright green leaves, and lovely pink petals that look quite similar to roses from a distance. Drying ‘hard’ in the Spring will produce benefits all season. Note that unlike some other orchids, Zygo orchids do not go on a fully dormant phase during winter. In many states, however, tap water has too many dissolved solids. Then water with a diluted fertilizer solution. There’s a good chance you can harm your plant. Barb and Anita, Just Add Ice Orchids can be soaked in a large container of water for one to two minutes. Mist orchids daily if the humidity level in your home is below 40%. Jan. 2013. For all other orchids, you can repot them at any time, although disturbing the plant when it’s in flower is usually not a good idea. Cymbidium orchid: Cymbidium orchids have many smaller flowers on a single plant. This bride chose a combination of white king protea, eucalyptus, palms, and white flowers like orchids and anthurium for her boho beach nuptials … The Home & Garden Information Center (HGIC) provides research-based information on landscaping, gardening, plant health, household pests, food safety & … Only water the roots, keeping the leaves, stems, and flowers dry. When you purchase your plant it is hard to tell how long the flower was there already, and not all orchids flower for a long time. The classic advice is to water the day before the plant dries out. At certain times of the year, water companies may briefly increase chlorine/chloramine concentrations and even add other chemicals to tap water. Water heavily while plants are in active growth (spring through early fall), but give plants a dry rest during the cooler months. Ours is online, our water comes from the Potomac river.

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