They are involved with extension of the hip, flexion of the knee … When performing a side-to-side comparison for the injured sprinters, the hamstring injury … The exercises were tested using 85% of the participants’ one-rep-max. 1 Researchers have reported that hamstrings strain accounts for 50% of all muscular injuries in sprinters, 1 with an incidence varying from 10% (1-year follow-up) to 24% (2-year follow-up). Therefore eccentric exercises are the most known and applied programme for the rehabilitation of hamstring strains injuries. Core control matters. A literature review related to hamstring injury demonstrates that eccentric muscle action is capable of producing very high forces within the series elastic component (SEC) of the hamstrings in this phase of sprinting. January saw the publication of a really good longitudinal study from a research group based in Japan looking at the prevention of hamstring injuries in collegiate sprinters . If you do one exercise for each muscle group per workout, and you do 4 workouts a week, do a different hamstring exercise each day. You probably have more hamstring exercises at your disposal than you think. That’s a shame, because it burns fat, spares muscle, and improves Strengthening exercises will gradually be added to your plan. When prescribing strength exercises with hamstring rehabilitation and injury prevention in mind it’s important to consider the mechanisms that often lead to injury. (29, 39, 41) Hamstring eccentric exercises can be performed using hamstring curl machines, reverse cable curls, weight bearing hamstring curls on exercise ball, reverse plank, kneeling Nordic leg curl, standing single or double leg dead lifts. They coined this programme the L – Protocol. In field-based team sports you can expect approximately 68% of rugby players, 80% in AFL and 60% in professional soccer who do sustain a HMI (non-contact) to occur during running or They coined this programme the L – Protocol. The terminal swing phase is believed to be the most hazardous as the hamstrings are undergoing an active lengthening contraction in a long muscle length position. Nowadays, it is common to insert hamstring eccentric exercises in sprinters' strength program. Do Eccentric Hamstring Exercises. Le tre varianti principali sono tutte eseguite su macchine con sovraccarichi, due delle quali prevedono il movimento con la coscia in partenza estesa sull'anca, e una con la coscia flessa sull'anca. The period of maximal eccentric contraction in the running cycle, when the muscle is both lengthening and contracting at the same time, seems to carry a higher risk for muscle injury [].A low hamstring-to-quadriceps strength ratio will increase the extension moment through the knee, potentially stretching the eccentrically contracting hamstring beyond its elastic capabilities []. Nordic hamstring exercises have been shown to be effective in increasing eccentric hamstring strength, developing higher maximal eccentric hamstring torques than is possible with leg curls. The “Nordic Hamstring” is an eccentric exercise statistically effective at reducing hamstring injury. Have a partner hold your ankles. Moreover, do the most effective ones. Avoiding the downside takes more important role that pursuing the upside in elite teams and athletes. Hamstring activation during lower body resistance training exercises. I want to thank Jose Fernandez for making this possible by creating polygon data for the AthleteSR body diagram and providing a sample code for the visualization. dict_files/eng_com.dic This class can parse, analyze words and interprets sentences. While sprinting, the hamstring has two functions: They act as shock absorbers when the leg hits the ground and they act as springs when hamstring lengthens to the optimum length to create enough elastic energy to produce beneficial forces. Hamstring injury occurs frequently in sports that involve bursts of sprinting. One foot on a step or box, descend slowly to a count of five. Here are the best exercises for real-world performance for every movement pattern. Furthermore, in a prospective investigation involving six hamstring injuries in 30 elite Japanese sprinters, Sugiura and colleagues [41] observed that subsequently injured limbs displayed significant This will give you an arsenal of 12 hamstring curl exercises: 4 machines x 3 foot positions (neutral, inward, outward) = 12 permutations. Hamstring strength deficits are common after hamstring strains. Appropriate volumes of sprinting will train the hamstrings to produce optimal levels of high speed eccentric muscle force as well as ensure the neuromuscular timing mechanism previously mentioned. I can help you improve your glutes and hamstrings, but only if you’re healthy. Now, as he works his way back, his training methods, recovery techniques, and supplementation are more important than ever. Loop … These exercises should be done 3-4 times a week before a workout because they can act as a dynamic exercise prepping the hamstring for an intense sprint session. It seems that following a hamstring injury, the nervous system sets in place inhibitory mechanisms to avoid injury again, literally turning the contractile power down. Sprint training is specific to the injury mechanism and is thought to activate the hamstrings through maximal eccentric contractions. The exercises were Romanian deadlifts (RDLs), glute ham raises (GHRs), good mornings, and leg curls. A well-studied hamstring exercise to improve eccentric strength is Nordic hamstring curls. Nordics increase eccentric hamstring strength and increase hamstring fascicle length–two modifiable risk factors for hamstring injury (Presland 2018). Coach Carl Valle offers seven strength training movements that are … As with all running injuries, if you’re concerned that you may be suffering from proximal hamstring tendinopathy, it’s important to seek face-to-face medical advice, rather than simply consulting Dr … The Nordic Hamstring Exercise is a partner assisted exercise where the active person kneels with their feet held stationary and then uses their hamstrings to lower their body, increasing the angle of extension at the knee – essentially very similar to the Glute Ham Raise, typically with a very controlled eccentric range of motion. This is the SpellCHEX dictionary for online spell checking. Start by … Tomasz Sacewicz. Hamstrings Getting Tight When Sprinting. Jonhagen S, Ericson MO, Nemeth G, Eriksson E (1996). Hamstring strains are commonly reported in sprinters when speed is maximal or close to maximal and during powerful eccentric muscle actions . Typical injuries include hamstring strains, hip flexor strains, and sacroiliac joint injuries. Eccentric strengthening exercises are thought to be beneficial in treating chronic tendon injuries including quadriceps tendinopathy. Effectiveness of injury prevention programs on developing quadriceps and hamstrings strength of young male professional soccer players. Those exercises are power cleans, power snatches, and box jumps. In such a training, muscles undergo a rapid elongation followed by an immediate shortening (stretch-shortening contraction), utilizing the elastic energy stored during the stretching phase. And while the Nordic hamstring exercise receives much attention, there are other valuable exercises that can help solve the hamstring injury problem. Isokinetic testing at a speed of 60°/s revealed weakness of the injured limb with eccentric action of the hamstring muscles and during concentric action of the hip extensors. sprint testing. One common criticism of rehabilitation programs that emphasize eccentric strength training, is the lack of attention to musculature adjacent to the hamstrings. A dictionary file. Strength deficits that persist at time of return to play have been shown to increase risk of re-injury (de Vos 2014). One common criticism of rehabilitation programs that emphasize eccentric strength training, is the lack of attention to musculature adjacent to the hamstrings. Preventive strategies should include eccentric exercises (2, 3), but the influence of multiple, on-field eccentric exercises on these risk factors remains unclear. Group 2 conventional exercises with less emphasis on lengthening (N=28). Preventive effect of eccentric training on acute hamstring injuries in … Eccentric exercise has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for tendinopathy. 8. These can be … To work up to the Nordic Hamstring Curl, use your arms to slowly lower yourself to the ground and to help you push up. However, when the peak biceps femoris muscle activity of various exercises is compared to peak muscle activity during sprinting, most exercises fall short. Nordic hamstring curls are only about 40% of the peak muscle activity observed during sprinting (van den Tillaar 2017). Those exercises are power cleans, power snatches, and box jumps. These concentric dominant, explosive exercises are ineffective at preventing hamstring injury due to the lack of eccentric stress. Exercise selection: free weight compound lifts such as back squat, deadlift, chin ups, dips with the addition of machine and isolation exercises Time under tension: 40-70sec Contraction emphasis: smooth transition from concentric to eccentric with no advantageous pauses for rest Progression emphasis: mind-muscle connection and concentric fatigue The main purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of an on-field hamstring eccentric program on strength, passive and active flexibility of hamstring muscles. Introduction. 262 - 266 CrossRef View Record in Scopus Google Scholar Therefore, suggested exercises to strengthen the hamstrings: Knee flexion: leg curls – prone, standing, and seated; Hip extension: Romanian deadlifts, stiff-leg deadlifts, and good mornings; Combined knee flexion and hip extension: glute-ham raises and eccentric-emphasized glute-ham work These exercises have a large eccentric component, upon which this polymorphism may have a direct effect. So the best exercises for real-world performance are the ones that boost performance, bulletproof the body, and build functional strength and muscle. Distal hamstring reattachments require approximately 3 months of rehabilitation before returning to athletic activities. Eccentric calf exercise. References. 4 … Clinical Relevance: 1,3,17 Incorporation of NH exercise protocol into regular practice sessions may be effective in reducing the number of hamstring injuries in soccer players. Hamstring injuries in sprinters: The role of concentric and eccentric hamstring muscle strength and flexibility American Journal of Sports Medicine , 22 ( 2 ) ( 1994 ) , pp. Nordic hamstring exercises have been shown to be effective in increasing eccentric hamstring strength, developing higher maximal eccentric hamstring torques than is possible with leg curls. Effect of timing of eccentric hamstring strengthening exercises during soccer training: implications for muscle fatigability. Furthermore, we discuss several disadvantages associated with commonly used eccentric hamstring exercises. In addition, both groups had a significant decline in the eccentric total work of the hamstrings. Using specific exercises to target either the proximal (top), distal (bottom) or both ends of your hamstring will ensure you cover all bases. "Hamstring injuries in sprinters. The Nordic Hamstring Curl has been found to be a more effective exercise for developing eccentric hamstring strength than traditional hamstring curls (Mjolsnes et al., 2004). However, this is an advanced eccentric strengthening exercise and extremely challenging for the average person to begin with. Eccentric exercises refer to a movement that lengthens the muscle as it contracts. The use of this kind of programme has shown good results. Injury mechanism. Guest Article by Bas Van Hooren. ... Hamstring injuries in sprinters. [CHEX %PARSER=2.13 %FLOATED=19991204 %GENERATED=DR/ALL %BOUND=TRUE] The Effects of Static Stretching and Isometric Strength on Hamstring Strength and Flexibility Asymmetry. Key Words: hamstring strains, muscle N=56 Swedish elite sprinters and jumpers with acute hamstring injury, verified by MRI. ... A great benefit of RDL’s is the stretch component on the eccentric whereby you can use a significant amount of weight to overload the hamstrings. Do shorter sprints before building into longer ones. corpus id: 202596889. the role of eccentric strength exercises in injury prevention of hamstring strains in track and field sprinters @inproceedings{kelly2014thero, title={the role of eccentric strength exercises in injury prevention of hamstring strains in track and field sprinters… Rehabilitation of a hamstring muscle injury should progress to exercises that replicate the final swing phase of sprinting and include slow eccentric, single leg, heavy loaded exercise, with the hip flexed to 80 degrees, whilst extending the knee joint. Sprinting can be a powerful body recomposition tool, but many lifters shy away from it. It consists of physical exercises in which muscles exert maximum force at short intervals to increase dynamic performances. The Extender (Flexibility) Previously, eccentric exercise has been championed as the contraction type of choice in … Am J Sports Med 22: 262–266, 1994. However, contrary to quadriceps, coaches are reluctant to use high loads (>80% of 1RM) or exercises performed at a long muscle length. Dance, sliding, high kicking (sprinters) 2. The Nordic Hamstring Exercise is a partner assisted exercise where the active person kneels with their feet held stationary and then uses their hamstrings to lower their body, increasing the angle of extension at the knee – essentially very similar to the Glute Ham Raise, typically with a very controlled eccentric range of motion. While running is excellent exercise, it’s important that our body be strong enough to accept our new activities to avoid injury. Plyometric training (PT) is a technique used to increase strength and explosiveness. In other words, it is the part of the movement when you are lowering the … We do no more than six reps for this exercise. We can do this through movements such as the glute hamstring raise and RDL for the proximal hamstring; Nordic curls and eccentric slides for the distal hamstring; and the razor curl for both ends. It appears that 6 to 8 weeks of static stretching is sufficient to increase hamstring … For vertical, deep front and Olympic back squats are great, as well as slower tempo or eccentric overloaded variations. Sprint. Eccentric exercises have emerged as essential components of effective rehabilitation 6,7 and injury prevention programs. According to Malliaropoulous, this exercise has been used as the most common form of eccentric hamstring training in the literature to increase hamstring strength and the angle at which the hamstrings can produce the most torque, so this is one of the best hamstring exercises you can do. This is a great exercise for the Glutes, Hamstrings, Hips and Quads – which are all imperative to improve your sprint speed especially from the starting position. This occurs to the quadriceps muscles during the downwards phase of a squat. 1. If you're a sprinter, team sport athlete, or coach, this article will help you learn how to set up and execute an effective acceleration training program. Sprinting doesn’t spot-reduce fat from the posterior chain and it doesn’t activate the posterior chain muscles to a greater degree than hip thrusts or back extensions. Progress to strength and power volumes Progress to eccentric contraction via ankle … It makes sense that one of the best exercises to rehab a sprinting-related hamstring strain is to gradually progress to sprinting. Glute Hamstring Raise Kneel on mat or piece of foam Partner behind you holds your feet down Keep back straight and arms at sides Keeping back extended and knees on mat, move torso forward slowly Try to touch your chest to the ground (eccentric) … For proximal hamstring, loading of hamstring origin in sport specific ranges should ... eccentric hamstrings, What You Should Do For improving isometric hamstring strength, try Bent Knee Hip Thrusts. These concentric dominant, explosive exercises are ineffective at preventing hamstring injury due to the lack of eccentric stress. Eccentric Training for the Speed-Power Athlete with Angus Ross. Related Papers. Wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. Athletes in field sports rarely perform all-out sprints for long … Brukner P. Hamstring injuries: prevention and treatment-an update. Research from Askling, Tengvar and Thorstensson (2013) demonstrated that eccentric lengthening exercises are more effective following acute hamstring injuries in elite footballers, sprinters and jumpers than exercises such as single leg bridging and hip extension exercise. Eccentric training can help increase range of motion while maintaining and improving strength as well as increasing both dynamic and passive stiffness of the working muscles and tendons, thereby increasing running efficiency. Conclusion: Consequently, it appears the use of six week eccentric hamstring muscle strength training intervention had no significant effect on the eccentric hamstring muscle strength characteristics in 400 metre track and field sprinters. Read more on Tibialis posterior strengthening exercises. The use of eccentric hamstring strength training is the most widely researched and recommended evidence ... deficits identified with concentric action of the hip extensors and eccentric action of the hamstrings predispose to hamstring injury in elite sprinters. 4. Feeling your hamstrings tighten up as you run can really put a downer on your sprinting speed. You probably have more hamstring exercises at your disposal than you think. This will give you an arsenal of 12 hamstring curl exercises: 4 machines x 3 foot positions (neutral, inward, outward) = 12 permutations. 8. The utilization of eccentric exercise training regimens Prevention-based strength training mainly focuses on eccentric exercises. I. Jonhagen S, Nemeth G, Eriksson E (1994). Additionally, from all the “eccentric exercises” tested, the Nordic-hamstring exercise performed at 0° of hip flexion (NHE0) allowed for greater hamstring muscle activity, which was also reported by previous studies (Bourne et al., 2017; van den Tillaar et al., 2017). The following exercises, which are staples for most sprinters, are what I consider concentric dominant exercises. This means that in order for any of the many hamstring exercises mentioned to be effective, the pelvis must be properly positioned. Occurring in both recreational and professional sports, these injuries can result in substantial time lost from sport and commonly recur. Am J Sports Med 22(2): 262-6 Pubmed II. In sprinting, when the foot is on the ground, the glutes will reach their maximal contractile force, the peak of which will exceed most anything done in the weightroom. d. If you're going to squat, start with front squats at the beginning, and reintegrate back squat and box squat variations later on, as they will be more hamstrings intensive. 参加資格:医療関連の資格、またはヘルス&フィットネス関連の資格をお持ちの方(ご自身がお持ちの資格が該当するか不明な場合はPRI Japanまでお問い合わせください)。 講習会参加費:60,500円(税込):講習会開催の4週間以上前に事前申し込みをされる場合 One of the best ways to strengthen the hamstrings for injury resilience is with eccentric hamstring exercises. Rehabilitation for a proximal hamstring reattachment typically takes at least 6 months, due to the severity of the injury. Demonstrated by top London PT Lewis Paris Fitness, Glute Kickbacks using dual Dynamic Bands. Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Diagnosis. A recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research assessed the degree of muscle activation across four hamstring exercises (using EMG). Eccentric exercises are when the muscle contracts but also lengthens at the same time. 1. Group 1 emphasis was on extensive lengthening, mainly during the eccentric muscle action (N=28). Recent studies involving over 120 elite sprinters and footballers showed that by using eccentric exercise, athletes are able to return to sport in half the amount of time it took compared to a conventional strengthening program and with less than 2% having reinjured their hamstring … To train the hamstrings specifically for running speed, we need exercises that are going to utilize maximal eccentric and isometic contractions. <?php // Plug-in 8: Spell Check// This is an executable example with additional code supplie The role of concentric and eccentric hamstring muscle strength and flexibility. Conversely, the incorporation of eccentric hamstring exercises as part of routine training has been found to substantially reduce the incidence of hamstring strain injuries. These high forces have been shown to be related to hamstring injury. There was a significant (P < 0.05) difference in hip joint Hamstring muscle strain-type injuries are common in sports that involve high degree of speed, power and agility such as sprinters, soccer, basketball, tennis and football. Elite sprinters have an acceleration phase that can last up to 40-70 meters due to their tremendous explosive ability and relative body strength. Therefore eccentric exercises are the most known and applied programme for the rehabilitation of hamstring strains injuries. Keep warm in cold conditions. ... Isotonic Exercises. While maximal strength training using unilateral exercises can be slightly riskier, some coaches can train the hamstring in a slightly heavier manner with more advanced athletes. Strengthening exercises for Tibialis posterior tendinopathy focus on developing strength and in particular eccentric strength. A shoulder injury put Mitch Wagner out of commission when he was knocking at the door of elite CrossFit competition. The eccentric portion of the jump is where the majority of the energy of the jump is stored. Eccentric (negative) training refers to lowering heavier than normal loads for a given exercise. The reverse function reverses the contents of a container, contained in < algorithm> In the library. Perform the concentric phase of the glute hamstring raise without a load. Angus Ross is currently employed by High Performance Sport New Zealand in a power physiology and strength and conditioning role, primarily working with track and field. 講習会参加申込みについて. in isokinetic eccentric knee flexor torque C 15% increased the risk of hamstring injury fourfold (95% CI 1.13–13.23) in elite soccer players. This neural inhibition can often persist long after the structural integrity has returned. Perform a slow (minimum three seconds), controlled, eccentric contraction. In addition, recent research has illustrated the positive impact of Nordic Hamstring Exercises on hamstring injury risk (van der Horst et al., 2015), making these exercises increasingly common in professional sports teams. Eccentric exercises have emerged as essential components of effective rehabilitation 6,7 and injury prevention programs. In this video, I will teach you how you can use the AthleteSR body diagram to visualize and analyze the monitoring data. ... We know that the power that sprinters can produce in these joints in 1/10 of a second at specific positions correlates with sprint speed. More evidence is now highlighting the benefit of primarily using eccentric strengthening exercises in hamstring rehabilitation performed at high loads at longer musculotendon lengths 5 6. So, the elongation stress reached is lower than during the late swing phase of sprinting. You’ll see a few power-builders in here too. The best way to screw up hamstring training is to elicit hamstring contractions without glute contraction and, anterior core control. In an eccentric contraction, muscle fibers lengthen. Such as deadlifts, nordic ham curls, good mornings. Semitendinosus (ST) , Semimembranosus (SM), and Biceps femoris long and short heads (BFLH and BFSH) make up the hamstring muscle group (see figure 1). A popular and highly effective eccentric exercise for the prevention of hamstring strains is the Eccentric Hamstring Exercises Nordic Assisted Nordic hamstring curls Nordic hamstring curl Given the severe economic and performance implications of hamstring injuries, there are different attempts to identify their risk factors for subsequently developing injury prevention strategies to reduce the risk of these injuries. The group that performed Nordic hamstring exercises in addition to stretching saw significant increases ... Additional to the development of eccentric hamstring strength, ... Eriksson E. Hamstring injuries in sprinters. (29, 39, 41) Hamstring eccentric exercises can be performed using hamstring curl machines, reverse cable curls, weight bearing hamstring curls on exercise ball, reverse plank, kneeling Nordic leg curl, standing single or double leg dead lifts. o Prone hamstring exercises (introduces eccentric component) Start with prone curls with ankle weights at 30% of 1RM of contralateral hamstring 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions. Before examining the utility of eccentric exercises for treating and preventing hamstring strains, an understanding of a … Let’s say your gym has the four major types of leg-curl units: seated, lying, standing, and bent-over kneeling. Tomasz Sacewicz. Before examining the utility of eccentric exercises for treating and preventing hamstring strains, an understanding of a … Do this so that the hamstrings can cope with high forces during ground contact. Eliminating the eccentric component can take a considerably amount of stress off the hamstrings, and both these exercises get the job done well. Hamstring Functioning During Running – Eccentric or Isometric? Eccentric Exercise in Hamstring Injuries During the pandemic, many athletes have turned to running as their primary form of exercise. Complete simultaneous eccentric and concentric exercises during your training. Eccentric exercise is recommended based on evidence for other tendinopathies, but data for hamstring tendinopathy are limited to case reports.54 Exercises include the … Regardless of contraction type, our aim in this stage is to restore hamstring strength, bulk and capacity in a functional range of motion (1). "Amplitude and timing of electromyographic activity during sprinting. Research from Askling, Tengvar and Thorstensson (2013) demonstrated that eccentric lengthening exercises are more effective following acute hamstring injuries in elite footballers, sprinters and jumpers than exercises such as single leg bridging and hip extension exercise. Function prototype The reverse function is equivalent to the following code: A clinical approach utilizing an eccentric exercise regimen designed to strengthen the hamstrings in the late swing/early stance phase is outlined. In plain english, avoiding the downside means avoiding injuries and other training and non-training related setbacks. Exercises can begin as soon as they can be performed without pain. It takes an English sentence and breaks it into words to determine if it is a phrase or a clause. Independent of the sprinting they do, they have to absorb high-impact landings, which catalyzes huge amounts of eccentric tension in the hamstrings. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. The role of concentric and eccentric hamstring muscle strength and flexibility." Acceleration sprinting is a fundamental skill for nearly all athletes. Il Leg curl è un esercizio con sovraccarichi, nella maggior parte dei casi praticato su macchinari, che impone un movimento monoarticolare di flessione della gamba sulla coscia. Stream Babert - Boogie Oogie (Original Mix) by L.O.Dee from desktop or your mobile device. The Extender (Flexibility) The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that an additional swing phase specific hamstring eccentric training in well-trained sprinters performed at the commencement of the winter preparation is more efficient to improve strength, ratio, optimum angle, and flexibility than a similar program without hamstring eccentric exercises. View fullsize The Coaching Application Exercises for vertical are going to be those that emphasize hip and knee extension, and especially those exercises that have greater ranges of motion and time under tension. A good understanding of injury mechanism is a prerequisite for any successful preventive intervention. Prevention is better than cure and there is evidence that a programme of eccentric hamstring exercises, such as the yo-yo curl55 or NHE,38, 56–59 can reduce the incidence of hamstring muscle injuries. 10 Best Exercises & Standards for Real-World Performance. ... this is extremely helpful for sprinters because they are required to demonstrate speed and explosiveness to be successful. Hubert Makaruk. Functional Hamstring Strengthening. If you do full body workouts, be sure to get your hamstring exercises in each day. Unfortunately, due to the rate that high mus… Thermal clothing is a great option. As mentioned earlier, a combination of eccentric overload and weak glute musculature will often play a part during an acute hamstring strain. The following exercises, which are staples for most sprinters, are what I consider concentric dominant exercises. RESULTS The peak torque values of concentric and eccentric con- tractions between 0° and 90° in the quadriceps and ham- strings muscles at different angular velocities are shown in Table 1. Learn about sprint training, plyometrics training, and strength training and more! Stretching them will not cut it. You need to pay special attention to your hamstring if you’re performing exercises that demand eccentric strength like hinges and sprinting. Strengthening the hamstring using eccentric resistance training has been shown to significantly reduce both the frequency and severity of hamstring injuries. The Nordic Eccentric Hamstring Exercise for Injury Prevention in Soccer Players. Hubert Makaruk. Mar 19, 2019 - 26 – Atjazz, N'dinga Gaba, Sahffi – Summer Breeze (Atjazz Main Mix) 6:30 / 125bpm. Injury mechanism. The role of eccentric exercises in TF and hamstring injury prevention. Hamstring Eccentric Exercises Prone Hamstring Curls Cuff weight around ankle Cue for 1-2-3 up and 1-2-3-4-5 lowering Can also do in standing but prone have more control Seated Theraband Hamstring Curls Band around ankle, cue good sitting posture Cue for 1-2-3 pull back and 1-2-3-4-5 relax

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